Stability and Trim for The Ship's Officer
Tài liệu ổn định và độ chênh mớn cho Sỹ quan
Nội dung:
Part I: Transverse stability.
1. What is stability?
2. Calculation of the ship's center of gravity KG
3. Determining height of KM
4. Calculating GM
5. The inclinging experiment
6. Stability at large angles of inclination
7. Free surface.
Part II: Longitudinal stability.
8. Trim.
Part III: Hull strength.
9. Longitudinal strength.
Part IV: Applications.
10. Shipboard computers and the approved stability booklet
11. The ship in the damaged condition
12. Practical stability and trim considerations
13. Stability requirements for vessels loading bulk grain
14. Marine disasters.
Nguồn bài viết:
Tài liệu ổn định và độ chênh mớn cho Sỹ quan
Nội dung:
Part I: Transverse stability.
1. What is stability?
2. Calculation of the ship's center of gravity KG
3. Determining height of KM
4. Calculating GM
5. The inclinging experiment
6. Stability at large angles of inclination
7. Free surface.
Part II: Longitudinal stability.
8. Trim.
Part III: Hull strength.
9. Longitudinal strength.
Part IV: Applications.
10. Shipboard computers and the approved stability booklet
11. The ship in the damaged condition
12. Practical stability and trim considerations
13. Stability requirements for vessels loading bulk grain
14. Marine disasters.
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